
What is a Girl to Do?

For the past 4 years, our office has held the Biggest Loser contest. Every one that participates weighs in and the weight is calculated, and the biggest loser is given two dollars from each person with the lowest percentage. Tonight as I was traveling home I thought how good it would feel to have my name on the email with the attachment *The Biggest Loser * good job. It is a big thing around the office sometimes because office staff walk up to you and say I heard the good news you are on the right track keep up the good work. I tell you the compliments last all day. It gives you that sense of accomplishment. You put the hard work in and now look at the reward. For me it is not about the money; it is acknowledging the good work and effort you put in and it shows on the scale.
Because I have not been, the biggest loser in the group in over three years I was wondering what is a girl to do. All these thoughts ran through my mind, like maybe I should not eat after 4pm just go straight to bed no food, no drink nothing and surely, that would help me to win the weigh-in. Then I remembered reading somewhere that if you do not eat you will not lose weight so that thought was short lived.

Finally, I weighed myself, to see if it was even worth weighing in tomorrow. Let us be real here I been doing the right thing for what an entire week no maybe eight long days. Seems longer than that; but it has only been a complete week and last time I glance in the mirror; I looked the same no miracles happening yet.

 I am not discouraged; the reality is, it took at least 10 years to put on and nurture 260lbs. Therefore, it will most likely take a lifetime to take it all off, and maintain it. So what is a girl to do seems like I answered my own question, I will go into work step on the scale with the confidence that I may not be the biggest loser  for January but when  February roll around I am taking bragging rights for the day and  all the money.

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