After several days, in the bed with very bad acid reflux, the inevitable happen. I finally had to grab my shoes that had been sitting by the bedroom door, and put on my scarf and jacket that had been lying on the side of the couch. In addition, my escort had to be phone also and the trip to the hospital was the destination spot.
While there I had to get a EKG and blood work I tell you very frightening here I thought I was going to get a cure for my acid reflux and then I am being plug, and tug all over the place. Blood was being drawn and x-rays had to be done and I could not help but think I brought this all on myself. Therefore, I laid there in shame while my body was showing to be assessed. That scared me even more I tried to remain calm but I would be lying if I did not say I was frighten to death to hear the outcome.
In this picture you will see all the things that were used on my chest to get the EKG started ... turns out my obesity has cause them to go to such lengths and my heavy breathing did not help either. Neither did the pain under my breastbone. WHAT A WAKEUP CALL! Thank God, that most of the test came back negative and I was able to go home. With a few warnings, clear liquids for 24 hours and follow up with the gastrointestinal specialist and cardiologist on an outpatient basis.
Also, continue to take your medicine and start your healthy eating ASAP!
So back in the bed again, however this time feeling a little better and needing a well deserve nap.
Be well..... Take care of yourself!
Thank you for your support and encouragement!
Thank you for your support and encouragement!
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