
I need a Brain, No a Heart, Or is it just Courage

Years ago  when I was a young child growing up with my brothers and sisters  my mother always  turn the channel to lengthy movies we could watch for our entertainment.  One move that sticks out to me the most now that I am a grown up is the Wizard of Oz. It was just a television program to amuse me and my brothers and sisters and it did of course we enjoy it. In addition, throughout the years my children and I watched the remake with Michael Jackson and Diane Ross personally I liked both versions.

There were always four main characters, which were in need of something, and each one of them felt inadequate without that thing that they were missing. Today walking through the market got me to thinking about the show and the characters and their needs;  while waiting in checkout  my mind  wondered what are my needs and can I related to what their needs were and how can I get in touch with the Wizard. (That last part was intent to be a joke). Serious though it got me to thinking, the scarecrow needed a brain I know it was only a movie and he really did not need a brain but sometimes I feel like I need a brain. Let me explain it took a hospital scare *I know, I know I keep taking about this hospital visit that scare me straight*. I politely say to anyone that feels, *enough is enough* it is necessary for me to have this constant reminder so that I can always be aware of the consequences.

Ok now that I have gotten that out of the way, let me continue to explain why I say if only I had a brain sometimes .At the age of 45 I pretty much know right from wrong,  sometimes I battle with some difficult decisions so my brain is functioning well except when it comes to food. I believe this battle would not have been so hard if I use my first, second, and six senses. There are many parts to the brain, one can only hope that the part that needs to keep me healthy has kicked in.    

Then there was the Tin man he wanted a heart, * no mystery there huh*. I wish I had the heart to tell me friends stop feeding me, stop being my enablers, they were considered my feeders because if I did not eat they would think something was wrong with me. So they feed me, I feed me and we all over looked my size. Therefore, since having the heart checked out, I told my friends to get on board or step aside.

The cowardly lion needed courage and WHO DOESN'T! I read a comment somewhere that said diet is not for sissies, wow that could not be further from the truth. Because for years, I had no courage; I ran from my fears, and my problems; and I used food as my shield to protect me and look what that got me, bad knees, acid reflux no GERD, heart problems, and possible early diabetes. Do not get me wrong, I still have problems and fears but and I say this with caution because I do not want to relapse again. I finally found some courage and it is not hiding behind a donut or a pizza.

 Now Dorothy wanted to go home she was in a strange place and her aunt was not there to protect her so she wanted to go back to the place that was safe or should I say familiar. She was out of her comfort zone called home. Well I can relate because being fat (obese) is all I know my big arms, big legs, and wide hips and huge buttocks is parts of my body that I call home. So every time I get in unfamiliar territory let’s say a size  18 pants or even an  extra-large shirt I run like a fire is burning underneath my feet trying to find my way back home. How I get there is through fast food restaurants, buckets of chicken and anything else that would cause me to put the pounds back on to get back to want I was accustomed too.  

 To sum up this blog in the movie each of three the scarecrow, tin man, and the cowardly lion received what they were missing and began to feel complete. Except Dorothy, she wanted to go home and the good witch told her that she had the power inside her the whole time to go home. Well my story is ending differently; I no longer consider my obese body home. I made peace with myself that it is ok to go to that unfamiliar place * for me that is a healthy weight*. It is also okay to step out of my comfort zone and eat lots of vegetables and fruit. Wow, I did a lot of thinking while waiting in the checkout line; and  it was  all worth it.  
This is my familiar  follow my progress as I go outside of my  comfort zone. Pic taken today 260.lbs

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