
Mirror Mirror on the Wall

Post my hospital scare, I would not look in the mirror afraid of what I would see. Nevertheless, lately I have been tempted to say mirror, mirror on the wall who is the skinniest of them all. Clearly, it would be laugh at loud presuming to see the skinny person inside. However, not all is lost because today I was not looking for the skinny person I wanted to be, I was just looking at me. What I saw was a person who was capable of the unconceivable, a woman that had the potential to change her lifestyle and stick to it.

After giving me a good look up and down I realized I did not need to say mirror, mirror on the wall lie to me, because I cannot see what the world sees. No, I looked in the mirror with confidence that the battle is no longer a battle the struggle is no longer a struggle. It is a lifestyle and I am in it for the long haul because the person in the mirror in my opinion was so worth it and I could not agree more.

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