
A Busy Bee

 My days have been so occupied lately; time has just been flying by, and not one day has gone by that I have not wanted to blog. Alternatively, I‘ve even had thoughts of what I wanted to write about but the time passes me by every time. There has been so much going on. Work has picked up a lot at my job and with the many recent trips to the hospital; I have just been a busy bee. On a good day, (what I consider a good day) is an entire day with little to no aches. On one of those good days, I write down a list of all the things I have to do but by the middle of the day. Between my migraines and my Gerd (acid reflux), and my knee the list turns into how often to take my medicine and the result is nothing is done. For the last couple of weeks I have had to restart my list repeatedly; before I knew it, I had about thirty things to do in one day. Half the month has past and now I am playing catch up. Sometimes my bad days outweigh my good days but I continue to press on.

On one of my good days, I decide to tackle number two on my list, which was to get rid of all of my clothes that I had not worn in the past three years. As I was going through my bins all six, of them each piece of clothing held its own memory. It bought sadness to my heart that I never made it back down to the sizes.
 I was holding on to what turned out to be a pipe dream. As I drove up to the bin, where you donate the clothing and began to fill the bin with all of my clothes that I could no longer wear I began to feel a sense of release. Here I had been holding on to these clothes all these years and for what hoping that I would get back down to that size; and every year I felt like a failure when I didn’t  and beat myself up emotionally  each time. 

Finally home with all the memories behind me; I no longer am hostage to my clothes, and my clothes no longer have a hold one me. I have decided I am reforming starting in the New Year, no more holding on to hopeful clothes; I am going to go big or go home. In the New Year am committing to a lifestyle change not another Die~ it.

How is everyone doing?

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