
Its been awhile but

Lately it has not been too much to talk about I am still fighting the battle of the bulge and I have a upcoming surgery. Yes, my knees are or should I say have caused me so much pain that I have to go under the knife again. My Gerd got so bad that my endoscopy has been schedule for next Friday. My yoyo dieting has to stop sooner than later because if it does not as my luck would have it things are only going to get worst.
Funny thing this week, I was watching the show the Revolution and Bob Harper was the guest he talked about the biggest loser show and his new book The Skinny Rules that had user-friendly tips for weight loss.  Tip #1 when you wake in the morning, have a large glass of water, and drink water before every meal. Tip #2 Eat proteins at every meal Tip #3) Eat apples &berries every single meal. Tip # 4 Go to bed HUNGRY! OMG that is the one that got me. Tip # 5 Plan one splurge meal a week he had 20 tips but only gave out five so I hope this helps someone besides me.

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