
Have you ever gotten the look

Have you ever gotten the look? You know the one when you are ordering food in a fast food place. They give you the look as if you got a nerve ordering more than one serving. I do not know if you ever experience the look, but I have; and it is a bit embarrassing. It has happen to me more than once; I was even questioned about my servings. I was asked are you going to eat all that; or are you ordering; for others as well. How do you answer that question? Knowing the three servings are going to be devoured once, you leave the place. Do you give the server the puppy dog look as if you caught me I am guilt of being a glutton? On the other hand, do you give the server attitude, get defensive, and say that is none of your business. In addition you would not be out of line, if you gave them attitude because whose business is it anyway if you eat four servings of a meal that is over 1000 calories each.

What did I do? I have no problem; sharing my answer, I told a white lie. What constitutes a white lie; I do not know that either. I guess I told a lie, because it was not going to hurt no one but me. Nevertheless, a lie is a lie. I said it was my day to pick up lunch; for the office, with a sheepish grin I held my head down and walked out the store. Funny despite my embarrassment I still ate all the food. Therefore, now when I get the look I know without thought what they are thinking even if they do not say it. Have this ever happen to you, if so I would love to hear your story …

Breakfast – Raisin Bread w French vanilla coffee
Snack – Apple
Lunch -   noneL

Dinner – Crock pot special homemade Pot Roast -2 slices of pot roast with potatoes, onions, and carrots 

Snack - Peanut butter smoothie


Mrs Swan said...

Honestly I don't know if I have ever gotten the look. If I have I never knew I was getting it. LOL

Kim said...

Well I am glad you have never gotten the look....lol because it is never a nice look. Thanks for stopping by...